What comes to your mind when you hear the words ‘wealth’ or ‘wealthy‘? most of us likely think of money, fancy cars, big houses or mansions, yachts, humongous bank accounts and so on. Some may even have the image of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk or Bill Gates on their mind.
But few think of wealth or wealthy as someone who can afford to spend quality time with family and friends, who has a healthy mind and body, who finds time to do things they love, is fulfilled by what they do, and are happy to be part of a group or community.
Notice how the second definition doesn’t make any mention of money, but is more about life’s intangible pleasures and what brings people joy and satisfaction. This is not to suggest that money is not needed to be wealthy, as it certainly is. But wealth may be defined by other measures than just purely financial metrics. While the modern definition of wealth is having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value , the old English word wela, via the Middle English welth, meant “happiness and prosperity in abundance.” But as the meaning of the word evolved – given the economic realities of the last few centuries – the word slowly lost some of its original meaning and has come to lately only or mostly be associated with monetary value and possessions.
Can you be wealthy without having any money? maybe not according to today’s standards or meaning of the word, but certainly if going strictly by the old and original definition. But the better question is whether strictly having financial wealth is enough to make someone happy and fulfilled? the answer is most likely no. Yes, money makes things and life easier and more convenient, and that usually helps with having a better and happier life, but it doesn’t make things perfect. Far from it. Once you have had enough money and are taking things for granted, the novelty of money wears off and the human mind starts looking for problems, issues or new worries.
Not needing to get anymore philosophical here, the definition of wealth is subjective, and while we all want to have more money in our life to make it easier and more enjoyable, there is more to life than just money. Wealth is no longer just about money, and going by its original meaning, it is about having an abundance of time to be with family, to do the things you like, to enjoy life on your own terms and not be dictated by an alarm clock, timesheet, a boss or what bills are due each month. Ironically, and to come full circle, a lot of these things can be solved by having a lot of money. So what did we accomplish, if anything, from this post? You be the judge!