Salary increases are indeed a blessing that I never take for granted, especially in today’s uncertain economic times where job security is a luxury. Receiving a salary increase feels like a bonus, and even though there’s no assurance of it, I’ve already planned how to utilize any potential increase. Firstly, I won’t be frivolously spending…
Category: Employment
5 Unconventional Job Search Strategies to Boost Your Career
Relying on traditional methods to find a job may not always be reliable, and that is where nontraditional methods may come in handy, such as looking for relevant hashtags, cold outreach, looking for desperate companies and more.
My money motto: “what do you have to show for it?”
Have you ever had a job, stint or contract, which is long in the rear view mirror, which you are not only happy it is in the past, but was a bad experience? We have all had these jobs and experiences. But not appreciating that job is different from gaining something out of it: if…
The best time to upgrade your resume and skills is when you are most stable at your job
When is the best time to update and polish your resume? This may seem counter-intuitive but the idea is simple: do it when you are stable in your job and feeling good about your future than when you are desperate. In the popular book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ , Napoleon Hill argues that the reason…
The new gigconomy: more opportunities, less benefits, but more flexibility
I know a friend who has no real job. At least not in the traditional sense of the word, you know, the 9-5 one. But if you are talking gigs, then he has 3 of them going on at once. Maybe even 4 at times. Let us call him Mr. Gigsmith (name changed for the…
Why you should skip the ATM machine and self-checkout aisles at your next trip to the bank or retail stores
The banking industry is changing. It is currently undergoing one of its biggest shifts. The future is all about technology. Your bank’s mobile app is slowly but gradually replacing your visit to your local branch. And as more people become comfortable with banking on their computers and smartphones, there will be less and less need…
Nepotism in the workplace may be a good thing for the environment!
Nepotism can be bad, as it overlooks talent in favor of hiring and giving preference to those who are related to the people with power. But it can also be good for the environment, especially when family members work for the same company and share the same ride to work. Nepotism can mean smart commuting….
Is Amazon responsible for local job losses where you live?
No one can resist the temptation: you find an item on Amazon, and even after accounting for shipping expenses, it still comes out cheaper than what you would pay if you were to get the same item at a local store. I, too, have done this in the past, but not as much as others…
One essential strategy to use when looking for a job
Based years of job searching and trying to find jobs for family members and friends, I have realized that one of the best and unknown ways to get a job is to look for companies that are desperate. Let me explain what I mean by this. When a company suddenly has a need to hire…