Here at Budget Sense, we almost always recommend against credit card usage, unless in extreme and desperate situations. But of course, credit cards can come in handy in certain situations. But they can also be abused by being used to buy things that just don’t justify the purchase. What are some foolish ways of using…
Month: July 2011
Want to become a Millionaire? Go Big, have Luck, be Patient and get Going!
Although a million dollar is not what it used to be, I say a million is a million, and it still sounds cool and very cha-chingy! Becoming a millionaire is still a dream for millions of us in this country and everywhere else you go-well, exception are those countries whose smallest denomination money starts at…
A New Generation of unconcerned Credit Card Spenders
I have an admission to make and please stop me if you have been guilty of this same feeling or thinking as well: there are times when I don’t feel an extreme rush or urgency to pay off my credit card balance simply because there is no visible harm being done. Accumulating interest rate? who cares,…
Duck for Cover, a New Global Recession May hit us Again but you can be Safe
Are we about to be hit with another recession and a global economic slowdown? many signs are leading us to believe this may be imminent. Regardless of what happens, it is better to be ready for something that won’t happen than not be ready when something bad does happen. You would like to think that people…
How I enjoyed an Amazing Las Vegas Vacation with a Small Budget
Unless you have planned for it, are very organized and disciplined, a trip to Las Vegas could be one of the worst things you can do to your budget. I am one of the few lucky one(or maybe smart is the right word) that planned for this trip, almost to the penny. That is, despite…